Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What I Think Obama Is Doing

I think that Obama should explain his thinking on his actions or his nonactions. I believe that because when he was senator he accomplished a few victories with republican partners he
thought he could work bipartisan. But he was fooled. Also I think that he didn't want to fight because a very wise man once said that when you win a war with battles you will always
have battles. But if you win a war with peacefully there will be no more war. (not his exact words but that's what he was saying in other words). But now I now that Obama knows
that the enemy is not looking for peaceful ends they want a bloodthirsty victory. And he is now ready to fight. And what better fighter to fight in the political forum than a teacher
of Constitutional Law. He can't be beat! We all know in our hearts that Obama is a good man with good intentions for this country. Also I would like to add that in the debt ceiling
fiasco he gave to the republicans alot of things but he didn't give in the basics of the new deal that FDR made for this country in the depression: welfare,medicare, medicaid, social security.
the very thing that prevents poor people from becoming poverty stricken
When the republicans did not back his job act he knows now that he has to fight. And fight he will. We must back him.
Fighting with Obama
Kathleen Quinones